We believe knowing your strengths and having goals aligned to your purpose as a young adult will allow you to live an inspired and fulfilled life throughout your academic years and beyond. To achieve this, Champion offers a personalized academic life coaching and tutoring experience for teenagers through young adults. If you are looking to be proactive in your journey of success or you feel a little overwhelmed and lost in the clutter of our education system, we are here to help.
We will help you:
Learn how to handle stress and assessments to get better grades
Align your goals with your unique purpose to give you increased confidence
Succeed at school without sacrificing fun and have more free time
Discover who you are and what you really want to do through strength-based coaching
Develop important executive functioning skills
Utilize active study skills
Hone test-taking skills
Address gaps in curricular areas
Get ahead in subject areas of interest
Take control of your learning, champion your life!
It's a process...
When we work on learning and fine-tuning the process, we always see the product improve.